Why Oxygen Supplementation
FACT... |
Oxygen is a nutrient that we aren't getting
enough of...period!
FACT... |
Unfriendly viruses, amoebas, parasites, fungi or
bacteria can not live in high Oxygen
FACT... |
Virtually all disease is caused by the presence
of one of those contaminants, and they can't
tolerate a high Oxygen environment!
FACT... |
Viruses, amoebas, parasites, fungi or bacteria
live and breed in accumulations of metabolic
waste and ingested poisons. Oxygen is also the
cleanser of the body and can neutralize toxins
and poisons.
FACT... |
Simply create an environment (oxygenate) where
those contaminants can't survive and you'll
start to see the results...Fast! |
pH Facts:
FACT... |
pH is an acronym for "potential of
hydrogen", and is a value that indicates the
acidity or alkalinity of a liquid.
Everything we consume affects our bodies
FACT... |
We are literally bathing in acid every
minute of every day from acid rain, tap
water and air pollution...even from additives
in the meat, fruits, and vegetables we eat.
FACT... |
Forget counting calories, fat grams and
cholesterol. Forget blood pressure, blood
sugar and hormone levels. The most
important health measurements are the pH &
oxygen levels in your blood!
FACT... |
An overly acidic pH corrodes body tissue,
slowly eating into 60,000 miles of veins and
arteries like acid eating into marble.
FACT... |
Your pH is regulated by the body's oxygen
saturation level. Your body MUST be
slightly alkaline for it's cells to be
properly oxygenated!
Perfect pH Balance
"You can trace every sickness...and every ailment to
a mineral deficiency."
Dr. Linus Pauling
Two-time Nobel Prize winner
All chronic pain, suffering, and
diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell
Dr. Arthur C. Guyton,
Author The Textbook on Medical Physiology
Alkaline Balance and a Higher Oxygen Level = Health
and LIFE
High Acid and Low Oxygen Levels = Sickness and DEATH
Unleash The POWER!
Detoxify, Purify, Cleanse and Balance